Ideally Positioned For Ease and Convenience

In A Family-Friendly Enclave With Plenty of Foot Traffic

Ideally Positioned For Ease and Convenience

In A Family-Friendly Enclave With Plenty of Foot Traffic

Preschool & Childcare Center Serving St. Louis, MO

Find Us Parallel To Highway 55

After School Transport and Care To Support You Daily

Once classes are out, Kindergarteners to third graders from Bayless are transported to our center to play, make memories with friends, and do homework. The program is conveniently available on snow days and PD days, too.

Rooms With Soothing Colors and Natural Light

Classrooms are lit up with so much sunshine that we hardly ever turn the lights on! Walls are painted in soft purples, yellows, and greens, uplifting and inspiring poems tacked up onto them.

Garden-To-Table Meals Teach Love For The Planet

Students tend to on-site gardens, learning how to nurture vegetables until they are full-grown. An on-site chef then uses homegrown produce to create fresh and tasty meals using the products of your child’s efforts.

The Calm Of A Scenic, Residential Neighborhood

The area around our facility is quiet, peaceful, and family-friendly. Your child takes walks to the park around the corner with their teacher and peers and has a class in the fresh air and sunshine.

Your Child Is Safe At All Times

Security cameras keep a watchful eye 24/7, while doors require special access codes to be open. Only authorized persons can access the building, teachers are CPR trained, and an alarm sounds in case of smoke or fire.

Parking Is A Breeze To Navigate

Pick up and drop off are easy to navigate year-round in our spacious, flat parking lot. Pull in, say your goodbyes, and drive to work in a snap without worrying about traffic or tight turns.

How Old Is Your Child?


6 Wks - 12 Months


1 - 2 Years


2 Years


3 - 5 Years

Kick-off your child’s incredible early learning journey