We Prioritize Your Child’s Health and Wellbeing

By Offering Added Measures In A Safe, Squeaky Clean Learning Environment

Child Hands Using Wash Hand Sanitizer Gel Pump Dispenser, Selected Focus

We Prioritize Your Child’s Health and Wellbeing

By Offering Added Measures In A Safe, Squeaky Clean Learning Environment

Preschool & Childcare Center Serving St. Louis, MO

Teachers Monitor For Symptoms

Staff take regular temperature checks and closely watch students for signs and symptoms of possible illness. At the first indication of a fever, cough, or tummy trouble, children are sent home to protect their peers.

Toys and Surfaces Cleaned Regularly

Teachers wipe down anything your child touches after each use. Count on their learning materials, furniture, toys, and surfaces free of icky germs and sparkling clean to guarantee their good health.

Frequent Hand Washing Banishes Germs

Soap is one of our best friends! Your child sanitizes their hands multiple times a day alongside their classmates. Remembering to wash hands frequently minimizes the spread of viruses and instills positive hygiene habits.

Smaller and Safer Class Sizes

Learning takes place in classrooms of a limited size to ensure social distancing. There are fewer students than usual in each room, and teachers keep a watchful eye on making sure that children aren’t coming into close contact with one another.

Distanced Drop-Off And Pick Up

Physical distancing measures are respected as parents pull up for pick up and drop off each day. Staying a minimum of six feet apart helps mitigate the spread of potential germs and gives you peace of mind each time you visit us.

How Old Is Your Child?


6 Wks - 12 Months


1 - 2 Years


2 Years


3 - 5 Years